Club History

From Fairway Farms Swim Club
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In an effort to better understand and document projects and events in the club's history, this page has been created and shall be updated as new information becomes available. This will help future board members better understand the club's history (particularly in the context of necessary improvements).

The items below have been pulled from newsletters, invoices, city records and discussions with past board members. It's a work in progress.


Construction on the club began in 1966 with the intent to open for swimming. Unfortunately, this did not happen due to financial hardship and construction delays. The details below are extracted from the architect's monthly progress reports. It is difficult to know when exactly some items were completed; some may have actually been completed in the months prior.

  • Land was purchased in April.
  • The original proposal to build a swimming pool and "bath house" was submitted by Starlite Pools, Inc. This plan would ultimately see multiple revisions over the next two years.
  • As of June, the site had been graded and sewer line installation started. Basement excavation was complete and the block walls were installed (along with waterproofing).
  • As of July, water and sewer service were installed. Above-grade masonry, wall footings and wood joists were all set to installed same month.
  • As of August, roof framing, deck and shingles were completed on the bath house, as were the block walls and concrete floors (first floor and basement).
  • As of September, rough grading of the site was still underway. The brick veneer, piping, most electrical, drywall & plaster had been completed for the "bath house" (clubhouse). The tile gutters and stone coping were completed for the main pool, and a pour was in-process for the wading pool. Grading was completed for the deck pour. At this point, all work was 5-6 weeks behind schedule.
  • As of November, rough grading of the site was still underway. In the "bath house", pipe was insulated, wire was pulled and plumbing fixtures were installed. The wading pool pour was completed. All work was 9-10 weeks behind schedule.


Following delays in 1966, meeting minutes and correspondence with the architect/contractors all point to an effort to open the club to members by May 30th (previously, May 15th was the target).

  • Detroit Edison installed electrical service in January. Work was to be resumed in the "bath house" once electrical was present for lights and temporary heat.
  • As of April, wire was pulled, plumbing fixtures were installed. A vitreous wall surface was installed, along with shower stalls & partitions, finish carpentry and millwork in the "bath house". The domestic hot water tank and water service piping were installed. In the pool, water was said to be pumping.
  • As of May, basement wall repairs had been made.
  • As of June, the "bath house" was substantially completed, and was deemed ready for occupancy by the architect. The pool equipment was mostly installed, as was the concrete deck. The pool had been marbelited (marbelized?), a canopy erected and fencing installed.


  • 9.01 Acres of land (now Robert E. McCann park) is sold to the City of Livonia.


  • The shed was constructed adjacent to the pump house.


  • An unknown plumbing project (permit #PP201).


  • An unknown electrical upgrade (permit #PE12929 for "INGROUND POOL Comm").
  • An unknown plumbing project (permit #PP7498 via "A W SMITH NO").


  • Trusses were erected over an "existing flat roof". Small pavilion?


  • Installed a galvanized steel and vinyl "FAIRWAY FARMS" awning
    • Is this actually the awning present in 2020? If so, it is a Sunbrella fabric, purchased and installed by Marygrove awning.
    • The vinyl terminology came from city permit documentation and may not be correct.


  • Concrete replacement (pool deck)?


  • Installed 3 BBQ gas grills.


  • Installation of a new asphalt parking lot - includes storm sewer work.


  • Changed electrical service (added upstairs panel per inspection sticker).
  • Installed 2 electric hand dryers.
  • Installed 5 BBQ gas grills (assumed).
  • Installed a new water heater - included work on 4 lavatory fixtures and 9 showers.


  • The large non-enclosed pavilion (36 ft x 60 ft) was constructed. Plans were submitted to the city in late 2007.
  • The inlet valve broke and the city-owned meter had some freeze damage. Club charged for repairs.


  • Added ground bonding (pool safety) to various items in the pump house.


  • City noted the water gate valve was leaking and would require repair. In the context of the 2020/2021 water gate valve issues, it is not clear what repairs were performed at this time.


  • The locker rooms, clubhouse and some exterior areas were painted.
  • The broken life guard stand near the kids pool was repaired.
  • The pool sand filters were rebuilt with new sand and internal components.
  • The pool isolation valves (not sure which ones) were replaced.
  • Pool lights were repaired.
  • Hosted league meet.
  • Implemented eSoft planner.
  • Discussed a new roof roof, chlorinator and other improvements.


  • A building (TBD) was stripped and re-shingled (15# felt, drip edge, eave flashing w/ venting to code).
  • Installed a new 48" tall open iron picket fence (replaced a 54" chain link fence).


  • The parking lot was resealed in the fall (should be performed again in 5-7 years).


  • First full winter of use with the new pool cover (better water quality, less debris, no need to acid-clean the marcite and conserves water).
  • Implementation of a recycling program.
  • Locks re-keyed.
  • New playscape and swing set installed.
  • Problems noted with 4 of the 6 starting block anchors.
  • Marcite patched in the shallow pool near the threshold to the deeper pool.
  • Replaced 2 pool light bulbs & gaskets.
  • Replaced two pool light fixtures.
  • Repaired diving board fulcrum.
  • Repaired Chemtrol PC-2100 (exact issue not known), installed new flow switch.
  • Issue with main drain valve noted upon closing.


  • Several sections of the concrete pool deck were replaced.
  • A large wind storm on March 8th caused significant damage:
    • A large section of shingles ripped off of the large pavilion.
    • The vinyl ceiling of the large pavilion was blown off along with several light fixtures.
    • The sump pump and heater in the pump house failed due to the power outage. This resulted in the main pool pump, slide pump and other mechanical/electrical components to be submerged and ultimately freeze.
  • The recycling program was ended due to a lack of availability with the waste companies.
  • The Locust trees (near the tennis courts) produced a tremendous number of large seed pods; this happens every so many years under the right conditions.
  • Replaced the Stenner acid pump (controlled by the Chemtrol PC-2100).
  • Installed a new valve on the main drain line (deferred from 2016?).
  • Patched marcite in kid's pool.
  • Replaced 3 light bulbs and gaskets.
  • Repaired broken 6" line for filter backwash manifold.
  • DTE replaced transformer due to 3-phase power failure.


  • No major capital improvements.
  • Hosted league meet.
  • An extensive "deep cleaning" of the clubhouse floors, walls, ceilings and various rooms was performed.
  • Painted various areas, including the women's restroom.
  • Additional concrete deck replacement and leveling.
  • The starting block anchors were replaced.
  • The basketball poles were replaced.
  • Tennis courts were marked for pickleball.
  • Replaced the faceplate and gasket on the chlorinator pump.
  • Patched marcite in kid's pool (twice), then three other areas on a separate visit. Failing integrity of the marcite noted.
  • Broken line in sump pump drain (exterior) noted.


  • No major capital improvements.
  • New cameras (Arlo) system installed.
  • Minor painting touch-up around the grounds and clubhouse.
  • It was noted that the water gate valve was leaking and repair would be needed.


Projects for 2020 are detailed here.